2024 MCBK Global Meeting

The MCBK Global Meeting will take place October 22-23, 2024. 

Register Here!

This meeting will explore the role that goal-based computable biomedical knowledge, models developed to address specific problems, will continue to play in the era of generative AI - including the role generative AI itself can play in advancing the vision embodied by the MCBK Manifesto to improve human health by mobilizing computable knowledge around the world.

Register for free for the 2024 Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK) Global Meeting. This meeting will be entirely virtual with session times to accommodate the global audience.

MAIN MEETING - Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (October 24 in Asia and Australia)

Pre-Meeting - Tuesday, October 22, 2024 (October 23 in Asia and Australia)

The third global meeting will have two sessions each day to accommodate our global participants.

October 23 (October 24 in Asia and Australia) will be the Main Meeting, with more in-depth discussions on MCBK topics. The live sessions for the Main Meeting will be:

Main Meeting Session 1

Main Meeting Session 2

October 22 (October 23 in Asia and Australia) will be the Pre-Meeting, aimed at those who are new to MCBK. The live sessions for the Pre-Meeting will be:

Pre-Meeting Session 1

Pre-Meeting Session 2

Call for Lightning Talks 

Lightning talks are brief, focused presentations of current work to mobilize CBK. Selected presenters will pre-record three-minute presentations with a maximum of five slides. Abstracts of all accepted lightning talks will be published in the Learning Health Systems open access journal. Some submissions not selected for presentation will still be included in the published set.


Deadline: Submit your MCBK lightning talk Abstract by Monday, August 26 at 11:59 PM U.S. Eastern Time.

Using the form available here, provide an abstract of no more than 500 words describing the content of your proposed lightning talk along with your author(s) information and the thematic area(s) addressed (see below).

Submitted lightning talks must conform to at least one of the following thematic areas:

All lightning talks should address the concept of MCBK as described in the MCBK Manifesto.